Enfermedad de Peyronie
Paciente de 38 años de edad con historia durante los últimos 7 meses de dolor y curvatura hacia abajo de su pene cada vez que tiene una erección. A la exploración física se nota pequeña induración en la región inferior del pene muy cerca del glande. En la sonografia encontramos que los cuerpos cavernosos son normales a todo lo largo del pene. En la región posterior, cerca del glande se visualizan pequeñas bandas hiper-ecogenicas de fibrosis y calcificacion cerca de la alburginea posterior y de mucho menor incidencia que el caso anterior publicado por nosotros el 03 marzo pasado ( ver aquí ) que evidentemente reflejaba una evolución mas larga y afectación mas severa en contraposición con este caso de aparición relativamente reciente.
Peyronie's Disease following radical Prostatectomy: Incidence and predictors
Peyronie's Disease following radical Prostatectomy: Incidence and predictors
Peyronie´s Disease
38-year-old with a history over the last seven months of pain and downward curve of his penis every time you have an erection.
A physical examination induration small note in the lower region near the glans penis.
At sonography found that the corpora cavernosa are normal throughout the penis. In the posterior region, near the glans are displayed hyper-echogenic small bands of fibrosis and calcification near the posterior albuginea and much less impact than the previous case published by us on 03 March this year (see here) that more clearly reflected a trend longer and more severe involvement in contrast to this relatively new event.
A physical examination induration small note in the lower region near the glans penis.
At sonography found that the corpora cavernosa are normal throughout the penis. In the posterior region, near the glans are displayed hyper-echogenic small bands of fibrosis and calcification near the posterior albuginea and much less impact than the previous case published by us on 03 March this year (see here) that more clearly reflected a trend longer and more severe involvement in contrast to this relatively new event.